Last Updated:
04/07/2024 - 13:37


Course requirements involve 2 compulsory (core) courses(BME 501 and graduate level applied mathematics course ) and 5 electives. Degree program courses must be distributed as:

  • A minimum of two courses from life sciences,
  • A minimum of two courses from engineering,
  • A minimum of two courses from mathematics and other sciences.


The compulsory core courses are:

1. Graduate level applied mathematics:

One of the following,

  • EE 501 - Linear System Theory,
  • ES 501 - Analytical Methods in Engineering,
  • IAM 561 - Introduction to Scientific Computing I,
  • IAM 562 - Introduction to Scientific Computing II,
  • IAM 563 - Methods of applied mathematics,
  • ME 521 - Analytical Methods in Engineering I,
  • ME 540 - Analytical Methods in Engineering II
  • METE 503 - Math. Methods in Materials Research I.
  • AEE 501 - Advanced Mathematics for Engineers I
  • AEE 502 - Advanced Mathematics for Engineers II
  • MI 528 - Fundamentals of Mathematics for Information Systems

2. BME 501 - Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

3. Research Methods and Ethics (Non-credit) (For students registered on 2016-Fall and later)

 In addition, candidates are required to choose a certain number of elective courses from a list which are given in the 'Course Requirements' for each track. 

Summary of all tracks for M.S. Program (a)

Summary of all tracks for Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. (a)

Summary of all tracks for Ph.D. Program after completing B.S. (a)

BME 501

BME 501 (if not taken in M.S. Program) any   elective (if taken in BME-M.S.)

BME 501

EE 501 or equivalent (ES 501, IAM 561, IAM 562, IAM 563, METE 503, AEE 501, AEE 502, ME 521, ME 540, MI 528)

EE 501 or equivalent (ES 501, IAM 561, IAM 562, IAM 563, ME521, METE 503, AEE 501, AEE 502, ME 521, ME 540, MI 528) (if not taken in M.S. Program)

any elective (if taken in BME-M.S.)

EE 501 or equivalent (ES 501, IAM 561, IAM 562, IAM 563, ME521, METE 503, AEE 501, AEE 502, ME 521, ME 540, MI 528)

Research Methods and Ethics (BIOL 558, ES 570, ME 599, METE 570, EE595, MI500)

Research Methods and Ethics (BIOL 558, ES 570, ME 599, METE 570, EE595, MI500)(1)

Research Methods and Ethics (BIOL 558, ES 570, ME 599, METE 570,EE595, MI500)

1 elective course *

1 elective course *

1 elective course *

2 elective courses **

2 elective courses **

2 elective courses **

1 elective course ***

1 elective course ***

1 elective course ***

1 elective course

2 elective courses

8 elective courses

BME 590 Seminar

BME 591 Seminar

BME 690 Seminar

BME 691 Seminar

BME 690 Seminar

BME691 Seminar

BME 500 M.S.Thesis

BME 600 Ph.D. Thesis

BME 600 Ph.D. Thesis

Total: 7 credit courses (3*7=21 credits)

Total: 8 credit courses (3*8=24 credits)

Total: 14 credit courses (3*14=42 credits)


Bioelectrical Engineering Track

Biomaterials Track 

Biomechanics Track

Biomolecular Engineering Track


EE 503, EE 515, EE 516,EE 517

EE 519, EE 610, EE 634


BIO 514, BIO 584 (only for BME-MS holders who have taken BIO 514), CHEM 568, METE 489


ES 541, ES 542,


BIO 423, GENE 505, GENE 537, GENE 544, BIO 479, BIN 506


BIO 479, BIO 505, BIO 507, GENE 510, GENE 544, GENE 586, GENE 473 

MIN505, MIN506, MIN555, MIN550, BIOL513, NSNT501, NSNT502, BME 502

** (b)

BIO 401, BIO 407, BIO 409, BIO 423, BIO 510, BIO 554, BIO 580, BIO 586, CHEM 432, CHEM 447, CHEM 455, CHEM 456, CHEM 537, CHEM 539, CHEM 541, CHEM 545, CHEM 548, CHEM 549, CHEM 564, ES545, GENE 405, GENE 473, METE 460, METE 522, BME 502


CE 522, CE 526, CE 539, CHE 521, CHEM 539, EE 503,EE 518, EE 551, EE 554, EE 558, EE 587, EE 588, EE 655, ES 503, ES 505, ES 521, ES 525, ES 527, ES 531, ES 536, ES 554, ES 571, ES 572,ME 413,ME434,ME485, ME 502, ME 506, ME 507, ME 511, ME 517, ME 520, ME 522,ME 528, ME 543, ME 547, ME 549,ME 560, ME 581, ME 582, ME 583,ME 584, ME 586, ME 587, ME 526, BME 502


CENG 465, CENG 564, CHE 490, CHE 513, CHE 517, EE 415, EE 416, EE 503, EE 515, EE 518, EE 519, EE 583, EE 517, BME 502


Any elective course

*** (b)

Any elective course



BIO 409, BIO 430, BIO 507, BIO 514, BIO 584, ES 444, GENE 405, GENE 473, PES 533, PES 550



Any elective course 


(a) From “University Rules and Regulations Governing Graduate Studies”

ARTICLE 18 – (4) Except for the graduate courses taken with NI status, courses taken previously in another diploma program that the student has completed and/or courses taken simultaneously from two different graduate programs cannot be substituted in both programs.

ARTICLE 32 – (3) In Master’s programs with a thesis, courses coded 3XX and 4XX may be taken provided that they were not taken during undergraduate education. However, only two of these courses may be counted in the course load of the program.

ARTICLE 40 – (4) Undergraduate courses taken in a doctoral program cannot be counted in the course load or towards doctoral credits.


(b) Appropriate courses with the code 5XX or 7XX could be selected with the consent of advisor or supervisor.

(1) If not taken during M.S. program.