Ph.D. Program
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Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Engineering / Bioelectrical Engineering Track
Ph.D. Program for B.S. degree holders:
Those who have been accepted to the program with a bachelor’s degree are expected to complete the deficiency and core program requirements for the BME M.S. program. Beyond this, in addition to the two restricted elective courses of the track, at least 27 credits (or 9 graduate level elective courses) course requirements for the Ph.D must be fulfilled by any technical elective courses from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
Ph.D. Program for M.S. and M.D. degree holders:
1. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in Bioelectrical Engineering track :
Graduate students who have an M.S. degree in Bioelectrical Engineering track of the BME program must take a minimum of 8 (24 credits) courses from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
2. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in other tracks of BME:
Graduate students who have an M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering (other than bioelectrical track) must first satisfy the deficiency program requirements of the track, then take a minimum of 8 (24 credits) courses from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine, including the restricted elective courses of the track.
3. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in Science or Engineering (other than BME) or M.D. degree:
Graduate students accepted to the program who have an M.S. degree in Science or Engineering Programs, other than the Biomedical Engineering Graduate or an M.D. Program, are expected to complete the deficiency and core program requirements for the BME M.S. program. In addition to the two restricted elective courses, at least 3 (9 credits) courses must be taken from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Engineering / Biomaterials Track
Ph.D. Program for B.S. degree holders:
Those who have been accepted with a bachelor’s degree are expected to complete the deficiency and core program requirements for the Biomaterials Track of BME M.S. program. Beyond this, in addition to the one restricted elective course (Group 1), at least 30 credits (or 10 graduate level elective courses) course requirements for the Ph.D must be fulfilled as such:
- 4 courses from Group 2 (shown in the table with "**")of Restricted Technical Elective list of Biomaterials Track
- 4 courses from Group 3 (shown in the table with "***") of Restricted Technical Elective list of Biomaterials Track
- 2 Technical Electives: Two Technical Elective courses from Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
Ph.D. Program for M.S. and M.D. degree holders:
1. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in Biomaterials track :
Graduate students who have an M.S. degree in Biomaterials track of the BME program must take a minimum of 8 (24 credits) graduate level courses. 6 courses (18 credits) must be selected from theRestricted Technical Elective list of the Biomaterials Track and two Technical Elective courses from Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
2. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in other tracks of BME :
Graduate students who have an M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering (other than biomaterials track) must first satisfy the deficiency program requirements of the track, then take a minimum of 8 (24 credits) graduate level courses including the restricted elective courses of the track. Six courses (18 credits) must be selected from the restricted technical elective list of the Biomaterials Track and one Technical Elective course from Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
3. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in Science or Engineering (other than BME) or M.D. degree:
Graduate students accepted to the program who have an M.S. degree in Science or Engineering Programs, other than the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, are expected to satisfy the deficiency and core program requirements for the Biomedical Engineering M.S. Program. In addition, the student should take the course in Group 1, and two each from Groups 2 and 3 Restricted Elective Course lists.
Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Engineering / Biomechanics Track
Ph.D. Program for B.S. degree holders:
Those who have been accepted to the program with a bachelor’s degree are expected to complete the deficiency and core program requirements for the Biomedical Engineering M.S. program. Beyond this, in addition to the three restricted elective courses of the track, at least 24 credits (or 8 graduate level elective courses) course requirements for the Ph.D must be fulfilled by any technical elective courses from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
Ph.D. Program for M.S. and M.D. degree holders:
1. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in Biomechanics track :
Graduate students who have an M.S. degree in Biomechanics track of the BME program must take a minimum of 8 (24 credits) courses from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
2. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in other tracks of BME :
Graduate students who have an MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering (other than biomechanics track) must first satisfy the deficiency program requirements of the track, then take a minimum of 8 (24 credits) courses from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine, including therestricted elective courses of the track.
Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in Science or Engineering (other than BME) or M.D. degree:
Graduate students accepted to the program who have an M.S. degree in Science or Engineering Programs, other than the Biomedical Engineering Graduate or an M.D. Program, are expected to complete the deficiency and core program requirements for the Biomedical Engineering M.S. Program. In addition to thethree restricted elective courses, at least 2 (6 credits) courses must be taken from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
Ph.D Program in Biomedical Engineering / Biomolecular Engineering Track
Ph.D. Program for B.S. degree holders
Students holding only bachelor’s degree if planing directly to proceed to the doctoral degree, are expected to complete the deficiency and core program requirements for the Biomedical Engineering M.S. Program. Beyond this, in addition to the two restricted elective courses of the track, at least 27 credits (or 9 graduate level elective courses) course requirements for the Ph.D must be fulfilled by any technical elective courses from the elective list or from elective courses offered by the Faculty of Science, and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
Ph.D. Program for M.S. and MD degree holders:
1. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in Biomolecular Engineering track:
Graduate students who have an MS degree in Biomolecular Engineering track of BME program must take a minimum of 8 (24 credits) graduate level courses. The courses can be selected from the elective list or from elective courses offered by the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
2. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in other tracks of BME :
Graduate students who have an MS degree in Biomedical Engineering (other than biomolecular engineering track) must first satisfy the deficiency program requirements of the track choosen , then take a minimum of 8 (24 credits) graduate level courses including the restricted elective courses of the track. The remaining courses can be selected from the elective list of the track or from elective courses offered by the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
3. Ph.D. Program after completing M.S. in Science or Engineering (other than BME) or M.D. degree:
Graduate students accepted to the program who have an M.S. degree in Science or Engineering Programs, other than the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program or an MD Program, are expected to complete the deficiency and core program requirements for the Biomedical Engineering M.S. Program. Beyond this, in addition to the two restricted elective courses, at least 9 credits (or 3 graduate level elective courses) course requirements for the Ph.D must be satisfied. The courses can be selected from the elective list of the track or from elective courses offered by the the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and/or Faculty of Medicine.
Elective List:
- BIO 586 Human Genetics,
- BIO 544 Control Mechanisms in Molecular Biology,
- BIO 710 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- CHEM 551Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms,
- BIO 562 Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules and Membranes
- CHE 513 Biochemical Reaction Engineering,
- CHE 517 Metabolic Engineering,
- EE 503 Signal Analysis and Processing,
- EE 515 Bioelectricity and Biomagnetism,
- EE 518 Physiological Control Systems,
- EE 519 Medical Imaging,
- EE 583 Pattern Recognition (or CENG 564),
- IS 574 Medical Imaging Technology,
- CENG 7XX Adv. Topics in Bioinformatics