BME Courses
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BME 500 Master Thesis
Research program leading to M.S. degree. The student should have two advisors of two different contributing departments and should register this course every semester starting by their second semester.
BME 501: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Introduction to the concepts and research in biomedical sciences and engineering. Provides an overview of current biomedical research areas, emphasis on application in the Biomaterials, Bioelectrical engineering (Bioelectric phenomena, modeling biomedical systems and processes, biomedical signal and image processing, biomedical instrumentation, medical imaging), Biomechanical and Biomolecular engineering (molecular structure, function and self assembly; metabolic engineering; analysis of complex signaling and regulatory pathways; generating products through molecular scale genetical and biological transformations; techniques and instrumentation for study and manipulation of biomolecules; novel medical applications) aspects of the field.
BME 502 Human Physiology
A modular course (lectures along with experimental laboratory) providing a survey of important concepts and selected topics in human anatomy and physiology. Special emphasis will be put on homeostatic mechanisms as well as structures, functions and processes of special interest for biomedical scientists and engineers. Control-regulatory processes, body support and movement, energy metabolism, transport systems, excretory functions, and body defenses are to be considered. Biological feedback mechanisms such as pupil control system, visual fixation, skeletal-muscle servo mechanism, thermoregulation, glucose homeostasis, blood pressure control, cardiac output, body fluid homeostasis will be discussed.
BME 590 Seminar in Biomedical Engineering for M.Sc. Students I
Presentations of topics of general program interest, current research activities and recent developments in the related fields by graduate students, staff members, and invited speakers. M. Sc students must register for this course at 2 semesters during their M. Sc and Ph.D. on B.S. students must register for this course at least once during their Ph.D. on B.S. study.
BME 591 Seminar in Biomedical Engineering for M.Sc. Students II
Presentations of topics of general program interest, current research activities and recent developments in the related fields by graduate students, staff members, and invited speakers. M.Sc. students and Ph.D. on B.S. students must register for this course at least once during their M.Sc. study and Ph.D. on B.S. study. Students prepare a seminar directly related to their ongoing thesis research as a part of the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program.
BME 600 Ph.D. Thesis
Research work towards the basics of one of the disciplines making up biotechnology. The student should choose two advisors, of two contributing departments and enroll the course for all semesters starting with his/her third semester.
BME 690 Seminar in Biomedical Engineering for Ph.D. Students I
Presentations of topics of general program interest, current research activities and recent developments in the related fields by graduate students, staff members, and invited speakers. Ph.D. and Ph.D. on B.S. students must register for this course at 2 semesters during their study.
BME 691 Seminar in Biomedical Engineeringfor Ph.D. Students II
Presentations of topics of general Program interest, current research activities and recent developments in the related fields by graduate students, staff members and invited speakers. Ph.D. and Ph. D. on B.S. students must register for this course at least once during their Ph.D. and Ph. D. on B.S. study. Ph.D. and Ph. D. on B.S. students prepare a seminar directly related to their ongoing thesis research as part of the Biomedical EngineeringGraduate Program